Round about Spout

Spout Springs is the location to the first mountain bike race in Eastern Oregon and probably one of the first in Oregon. The first races were true old school with both a downhill and cross country done the same bike with what was available at the time fully ridged steel frames with thumb shifters. Spout Spings hosted  MTB bike racing way back in the eighties and continued with a few more up until the early nineteen nineties.  Spout Springs was the location of the first cycling event I ever participated back in 1993.  The mix of dirt/pain/fun I experienced over 20 years ago directed me down the adventurous road of discovering trails and finding races that for a large part defines a lot of my life to this day.  This July 4th we made a trip out to pre ride the course of the new Round About Spout XC mountain bike race and found that the trails here still hold true and are what mountain bike riders are looking for. 
Pictured above is the bike I pedaled at Spout Springs in the summer of 93 in it's time it was pretty sweet but on today's standards it would get a lot of laughs.  The enduring factor that hasn't changed is the trails up at Spout still get respect.
